At Ruth Treiber Dermatology, Dr. Ruth Treiber and her staff are always looking for new and unique dermatology news. A recent study published by German researchers, has shown that dark chocolate candy and beverages high in flavonols (plant-based antioxidants), may have properties which can protect our skin from UV rays. Now for Dr. Ruth Treiber, this was quite an eye-opening deduction, as most of her training as a doctor says to avoid candy. However, she is aware of the many health benefits of dark chocolate.

Dr. Ruth Treiber believes the study to be accurate as well. Two groups of women were chosen. One group drank a flavonol-rich dark chocolate beverage, while the other drank a far less potent chocolate beverage, and both groups were exposed to UV lights. Those who drank the richer, flavonol-full beverages suffered far less sunburn than those who didn’t.

Dr. Ruth Treiber introduced patients to another recent study in which the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that regular consumption of high-flavonol chocolates, offer some protection against the sun and its damaging UV rays. Scientists even assigned numbers to their findings, believing that 3.5 oz of chocolate provided approximately SPF 2 or 3, sun protection!

Dr. Ruth Treiber recommends looking for chocolate products that are high in cacao, as they tend to have the highest level of flavonols. They also tend to be the most natural as well as the healthiest.