To All Users:
Please be advised, this website is not intended for the purpose of providing patients or users with any form of medical advice. Any and all content, information, or materials found on this website are designed strictly for informational purposes only.  The content found on this website is not a substitute for an actual, in-person, or over-the-phone, consultation or appointment with your dermatologist. The information provided does not serve as an alternative to any diagnosis, and/or medical treatment you might receive from your doctor or healthcare provider. 

The team at Treiber Dermatology Associates, does not makes any representation or warranty as to the reliability, accuracy, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy or suitability of the information contained in this website and does not warrant against human or machine error, omissions, delays, interruptions or losses, including the loss of any data. This information is provided by the practice and its staff, and any representations of treatment protocols, diagnostic information based on symptoms, possible causes, associated risks and side effects should not be used in any way to solve or handle any real-life medical issues or conditions, without first consulting with a doctor or medical professional. 

CALL 911 – In the Event of a Medical Emergency!
If you are suffering from any type of injury, or accident, dermatological or otherwise, call 911 or visit the emergency room at your local hospital IMMEDIATELY! For more information on any and all information, medical or otherwise, contained in this website, feel free to contact the practice at .